Monday, February 13, 2012

Reflection 2

So today, we had a peer review of our project plan and process with the other class. We had the opportunity to look at other group's work and review them. The other group also reviewed ours and we had mostly positive feedback, so we were glad that our plan and process made sense to others.

I think we have done pretty good in our project so far, and we are almost done with our first outcome which is to raise awareness among the Nexus community by selling t-shirts. Our write up of our project is also pretty detailed and I am not afraid to say that it is much better than the example one. However I think we over analyse situations and so take a long time to come to a decision. So far we are up to date to our gantt chart, but then again our gantt chart has been altered many times to fit with our progress, so I'm not sure if we are actually progressing as well as we should. Plus the upcoming mock exams and other activities, time will be another issue, and we will have to find ways to meet up and continue our project.

Therefore, due to pressing deadline ever nearing, we have decided that we cannot continue with our 2nd outcome, presenting a proposal to the school BOD to install solar panels, as it is right now. We agreed to forgo the meeting with BOD, as their BOD meeting times are unsuitable anyway. We initially wanted to prepare a detailed documentation of our proposal along with a powerpoint when we present our proposal, but we think that the documentation would require too much effort, and there would be no point doing it if we were not going to meet with the BOD. So currently we would be focusing on doing more research on solar panels and creating the presentation as best as we can.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Reflection 1

After a term of group work, including the holidays, we have managed to progress in our project. We have completed our project plan, although there are still a few ammendments to be made. For our T-shirt sales, we've successfully design 5 t-shirts and we've sent out surveys and obtained statistics from the secondary student body. We are currently trying to get reasonable t-shirt printing services, so we are all doing research and contacting as many people as possible.
We are also at the same time working on the proposal for renewable energy. A lot of research has been done into the different type of solar panels, and it is rather complicated research and we are still compiling information.
Based on the Gantt Chart, we have completed quite an amount of work but we still have a lot more to do.

Throughout the time we are working on the group project, it is my responsibility to update the gantt chart in accordance to our progress. I was also responsible for the T-shirt surveys, and have helped out with the designs. We have yet to allocate specific tasks for the upcoming plan of our project and although I did not have any specific jobs in the past, I have usually helped out wherever I can. I expect I will continue to do that in the future.