Monday, January 24, 2011

Conserving Water in the Kitchen!


I decided to go with the Prezi because I think that it will be more convenient for us. The Prezi allows us to work on the presentation at the same time on different computers. Also, I can see what others are editing on the prezi while adding my own stuff to it. And as it is saved on the internet, the presentation can't be lost easily. Besides that, Jacelyn likes the turning effects that can only be done on the prezi :P

Wen Wen (:


  1. original and entertaining. very detailed. but too much spinning, gave me a headache :p

  2. wen wen......i liked this has a high level of detail...good ideas and pictures....practical ways of conserving water in the kitchen..most of them are what i normally do at home so i agree with your methods as they are effective...but i dont agree with 'try roasting and grilling rather than steaming and boiling' cause roasted and grilled food will make us thirsty and we will drink even more water..and being the dishwater at home i know that cooking utensils used for roasting and grilling are particularly difficult to clean, which means we need more water to wash it....right?? ;D
