Monday, March 14, 2011


In relation to the human's five senses, sight, smell, hearing, touch and taste. The sensation sensed by the sensory organs as it is.

What one understands from the sensation gained from one's senses, and thus how that person deduces and thinks what that sense might represent.


A tree as seen by a biologist, a logger, an environmentalist, a native from Sarawak.

Biologist: Seen as a test subject, something that can be used as evidence, and in a way seeing the tree only as an advantage and benefit to the human race, but does not really treasure the tree.

Logger: He will view the tree as a way to gain more money, to provide him with a job. So only thinks of the tree as his source of profit.

Environmentalist: Truly enjoys the environment and cares about the tree and thus would really want the tree to be protected.

Native from Sarawak: Thinks of the tree as part of his roots and attaches a lot of importance on the tree, therefore has connections to the tree and values it very much.


How does our education & culture affect our perception?

Our education and culture basically defines who we are. It's the way we've been brought up and so we are likely to follow what we have learned. It shapes our understanding which in turn determines how we see the world. Thus, it also affects our perception of things.

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