Thursday, October 20, 2011

Peak Oil - Possible Outcome

Over the past few GP lessons, we researched on our topic focus which was the future aspect of peak oil in a hypothetical situation "If the world's oil ran out today.." We then had to come up with an outcome, and we were wondering how to connect our research with a final product. And just our luck, Jacelyn wasn't in school that day, so it was basically us 3 cancers, and cancers are known for their tendency to procrastinate. Thankfully, we managed to stay on track even without our "shaper", which was something I think our group should be rather proud of :)

We decided that our project would focus on reducing the reliance on oil, narrowing it down to reducing reliance on oil-based products, which we further focused on discouraging the use of plastic bags. Our target audience would be the students of the school. Thus, we came up of a plan to make a video which will show the product of our research, and conduct campaigns to encourage students to use recycle bags instead of plastic bags. But when Jacelyn returned to school, she raised the issue of the financial side to this project, and we all agreed that it would be too much to handle.

So, after much much discussion, our final product would be a dramatic movie-like video showing the future after oil has run out to show the effect if humans were to continue our habbits and to immediately catch the attention of the audience, followed by a presentation on how to live sustainably to prevent this terrible future from happening. We would like to present our final outcome preferably during an assembly where we can target all the secondary students at once.

We are currently planning our video, and hopefully we'll get it done soon.

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