Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Palace of Justice!

Dear bloggie,

On 24th February 2011, My friends from Year 10 and I went on a trip to THE PALACE OF JUSTICE!  It was an awfully nice place, it looked like a high class hotel. Anyway bloggie, we had the opportunity to sit through an actual court case, which was really interesting, although i was kind of hoping for a criminal case. We went in halfway through and I could hardly grab what they were saying, except for a few words like "law suit" and "mental illness". Luckily I had friends to explain to me about it :)

Through this trip, I have learned a lot about Malaysia's judicial system. It really enlightened me on the way the laws work. The Q&A session was especially beneficial as the very kind lady thoroughly explained and answered most of our questions. But what truly surprised me bloggie, was when the very kind lady told us that juvenile delinquents were exempted from being sent to prison, and were sent to this school, Henry Gurney School, instead. What's more, when they "graduated" from the school, they would have a totally clean record, not a single trace of dirt. And the way the very kind lady said it, it sounded like Henry Gurney School was the ultimate heaven for kids with attitude problems. Now bloggie, I don't know if it is just me, or does this sound wrong. I mean I've watched movies and all, and I know for a fact that if a bunch of juvenile delinquents were to be locked up in one single place, things will not look good.

Another thing that was constantly nagging me is that thing about diplomatic immunity. Seeing as that we had a couple of diplomats' kids in our class, I did not take this lightly as I would have a couple of months ago. There was confusion on whether those in our class with diplomatic immunity could commit a crime and get away with it. But after some clarification from the very kind lady, we found out that their country of origin could still charge them on that offence. Ain't that a relief bloggie? But I still to shudder to think of what could happen if their country refused to charge them. Let's not go there shall we?

The Palace of Justice also had this amazing library, with every kind of law book you could possibly find!  Although I must admit that I was not particularly excited about going through pages and pages of words and no pictures on law, the amount of information stored in the library is one I truly admire. The museum, as I think it is called, also featured many real life examples of the "world of law", from testaments to judges' black robes.

All in all, the trip was extremely fun and meaningful. It was such a privilege one of the few civilians to visit, and not to mention the first school ever to step foot in to the Palace of Justice. What an honour :D

That's all for now, bloggie.
Wen Wen (:

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